Designing and testing a soap box cart

Challenge reference: 8548

Notional learning hours  10
Level Entry 3
Subject area
Preparing for Adulthood pathway
Vocational area
Learning aim

The learner will be able to design and make a soap box cart, review their design for any problems, build their cart and write a risk assessment for a test drive of their cart.

Learning context

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Learning outcomes

What the learner needs to know, understand or be able to do

The learner will:

  1. Be able to research a range of soap box cart designs and chose a favourite one.

  2. Be able to create a refined soapbox cart design with support.

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Assessment criteria

What the learner need to demonstrate in order to meet the learning outcome

The learner can:

    • Find and create a slide show of six soap box carts designs, using the internet
    • Share their presentation with others and state  which design is their favourite and why
    • Work in a group to discuss suitable materials to make a soapbox cart e.g. wood, plastic, old pram
    • Work in a group to discuss what materials can be accessed with  adult support
    • Work in a group to create a final soapbox cart design
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