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Challenge Level NLH
To improve knowledge of Self-knowledge, Self-esteem & Self-confidence and show development in one of these areas.
Entry 3  10
Learners will be able to identify different forms of bullying and how to get help.
WTE1  10
Learners will develop an understanding of the potential hazards faced by pedestrians and the safety precautions which could be taken to minimise accidents from happening
Level 1  10
Learners will be able to distinguish between right and wrong in given situations
WTE1  10
To understand the difference between right and wrong and about criminal activity as a citizen of the UK.
Entry 3  10
Learners will take part in a straightforward event to celebrate the culture of a different country
WTE1  10
Learners will be able to identify people that need help and participate in an activity which helps others.
Entry 1  10
To understand right/wrong and criminal/civil law; using this information to make decisions about the effect of wrong doing as a citizen in the UK.
Level 1  10
Learners will take part in a straightforward event to celebrate the culture of a different country
Entry 1  10
Learners will participate in activities to find out about a famous person. They will use symbols, objects and multi-media to find out about a famous person of their choice.
WTE1  10
The learner will be able to recognise familiar community organisations, take part in visits and know one fact about each organisation or a thing that each organisation does.
Entry 1  10
Learners will acquire a basic knowledge of hate crime, identify the difference between a hate crime and a hate incident and know when and how to report a hate crime/incident.
Level 1  10
Learners will show an awareness of famous people and participate in tasks to research a famous person of their choice.
Entry 1  10
Learners will be able to understand some of the effects of alcohol abuse on individuals and society.
Entry 2  10
Learners will work on a project about famous people, planning, researching and presenting information.
Entry 2  20
To acquire a basic knowledge of different Public Institutions and Services & complete some specific research into 1 organisation.
Entry 3  10
The learner will be able recognise that there are different religions, ways to worship and places to worship.
Entry 3  10
To be able to recognise what is an appropriate and inappropriate message/image.
Entry 3  10
Learners will be able to understand some of the effects of alcohol abuse on individuals and society.
Entry 3  10
To recognise the risk(s) with sending and receiving sexual messages/images.
Level 1  10