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Challenge Level NLH
Learners will identify barriers to own progression and agree targets to overcome those barriers
Entry 2  10
Learners will be able to attend meetings, communicate relevant personal information and explore strengths, achievements and barriers to progression. Learners will discuss all relevant information.
Level 1  10
Learners will identify a barrier to own progression and set a target to overcome that barrier.
Entry 1  10
Learners will identify barriers to own progression and set SMART targets to overcome those barriers
Entry 2  10
Learners will identify barriers to own progression, set SMART targets to overcome those barriers and review progress made.
Entry 3  10
Learners will be able to communicate relevant personal information and discuss strengths, achievements and barriers to progression.
Entry 3  10
Learners will be able to produce a personal profile identifying personal strengths, achievements, support needs and future aspirations.
Entry 3  10
The learner will be able to develop an autobiographical profile containing personal information and aspirations
Level 1  20
The learner will be able to develop an autobiographical profile containing personal information, strengths and aspirations.
Level 1  20
To develop the learner's ability to recognise personal characteristics, preferences and ability to respond to others.
WTE1  20
Learners will use a device to capture photos and to create a stop motion by taking photos or using computer software.
Entry 2  10
Learners will develop a knowledge of spring bulbs, show they can prepare for, plant and care for bulbs and sell as part of a mini enterprise project.
Entry 3  10
Learners will develop a knowledge of spring bulbs, show they can prepare for, plant and care for bulbs prior to selling.
Entry 2  10
Learners will develop a knowledge of spring bulbs, show they can prepare for and plant bulbs prior to selling.
Entry 1  10
Learners will demonstrate practical uses for their knowledge of days, months and seasons.
Entry 2  20
The learner will take part in group reading sessions, recall events from a story, respond to questions and recognise key characters.
Entry 1  20
To read, listen and respond to stories and non fiction texts
Entry 2  20
Learners will be supported to gain an understanding about different herbs, their origin, how they grow, culinary uses and basic facts.
Entry 3  10
Learners will be able to research a famous historical building, present their findings and identify key features.
Entry 3  10
Learners will be able to research a famous historical person, present their findings and identify key features of their life
Entry 3  10