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Challenge Level NLH
The learner will gain an understanding that symbolic representation (symbols and images) can be used to aid communication.
WTE1  10
The learner will be supported in the earliest stages of participating in sensory based activities linked to healthy lifestyles.
WTE1  10
The learner will visit a museum and collect information about areas of significant interest.
Level 1  10
The learner will demonstrate improved independence and ability to get ready to go out with support.
WTE1  20
The learner will be able to follow a simple map in the community.
Entry 1  20
The learner will learn how to use operational keys to fly a drone.
Entry 1  10
The learner will visit a restaurant to experience the atmosphere and try different foods.
WTE1  10
The learner will demonstrate the ability to organise their belongings when returning from a day out independently.
Entry 1  10
The learner will learn how to use a professional coffee machine in order to consistently make quality latte coffees.
Entry 3  10
The learner will show awareness and understanding of early concepts of speed and position.
WTE1  10
The learner will experience changing variables in experiments, recording their ideas and findings.
WTE1  10
The learner will be able to explore different job roles and responsibilities within their setting.
Entry 1  10
The learner will be able to research a local museum, present their findings and identify key features of their chosen museum.
Entry 1  10
The learner will be able to explore different job roles and responsibilities within their setting.
Entry 2  10
The learner will use a range of basic software tools to enter information onto a spreadsheet/ chart and produce straightforward reports.
Entry 1  10
The learner will explore and learn about the environment and nature.
Level 1  20
The learner will identify the features of instructional writing and apply them in following a set of instructions and then in their own writing.
Entry 2  20
The learner will be able to set the table for lunch independently.
Entry 1  10
The learner will identify the effects of legal and illegal substances on their health, the laws that govern them and a situation that can increase the chance of engaging in a risky behaviour.
Entry 2  10
The learner will be able to state a setting within sports and leisure and the role of the people who work within the setting.
Entry 1  10