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Challenge Level NLH
Learners will develop skills for getting dressed and undressed
WTE1  10
Learners will prepare a simple meal individually or as part of a group.
Entry 1  10
Learners will use community facilities during own leisure time.
WTE1  10
Learners will know how to prepare and go out for a meal in the community.
WTE1  10
Learners will create a group collage for an event or topic.
WTE1  10
Learners will understand about personal hygiene and the benefits of carrying out regular personal hygiene activities
Entry 1  20
To be able to use the Internet safely.
Entry 3  10
Learners will acquire a basic knowledge of hate crime, identify the difference between a hate crime and a hate incident and know when and how to report a hate crime/incident.
Level 1  10
Learners will be able to understand some of the effects of alcohol abuse on individuals and society.
Entry 2  10
Learners will be able to demonstrate consideration towards the needs other people
WTE1  10
Learners will know how to prepare and go out for a drink in the community
WTE1  10
To understand how to minimise the risks when sharing personal information on the Internet.
Level 1  10
To produce a one page personal profile which records personal information and aspirations.
Entry 3  10
To be able show knowledge of a variety of health services
Entry 2  10
Learners will be able to develop social skills through sharing meals with friends and family
WTE1  10
The learner will know how to stay safe when using the Internet
Entry 3  10
The learner will be able to develop an autobiographical profile containing personal information, strengths and aspirations.
Level 1  20
To understand how a digital profile is formed and how it can affect someones personal life and future employability
Entry 3  10
To recognise the potential risks of using Social Networking sites
Level 1  10
The learner will be able to do own laundry safely and understand the reasons for doing own laundry
Entry 3  10